The Educational Welfare Trust (‘SKT’) began in 1994 with the aim of igniting in neglected people’s hearts and minds genuine, impartial education. This organization began small, limited to publication and distribution. Today by God’s grace we have leadership training, TEE courses, postal correspondence courses, Agape College, and annual conferences. Through these, we are building God’s kingdom and developing society.
Mental, moral and spiritual development are very important matters. SKT believes that mere material prosperity doesn’t measure human development, but actually can be a hinderance and distraction from spiritual development. So the first and essential need for people is mental, moral and spiritual development. To this end, SKT produces leaflets, booklets, books, coursebooks, and magazines. Besides this they collect good quality manuscripts of books for publication and are involved in translation of books from other languages.
Contact Info
Post box 11097, Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Phone: 8953040, 01714276591
Office Time: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed Day: Friday, Saturday and Govt. Holiday